To take myself and my wife as an example:
- We don't read any hardcopy newspapers.
- We don't watch TV news.
- Both of us normally only read news online through a single source (
- In the car we have the radio on, so once or twice a week we may hear the news there.
So even with the recent avalanche of news paper articles in our country, my wife saw exactly....none of it.
JW aren't interesting enough (yet) to make headlines or be top articles online. Unless you have a decent (hardcopy) newspaper that you read front to back, it's unlikely you ever see those JW articles.
And it's not like the JW that do see them share them on Facebook or talk about it with others....don't want to stumble anyone yo...
I now have Google alers set up to notify me of JW related news. But my wife doesn't...
So she only knows about these issues if someone tells her about a return visit did some weeks ago...